Sunday, November 23, 2014


Progress! I took my geometric sample off the frame so I could bring it in for a job opportunity and actually like it half-finished. I am debating whether to stitch it back on the frame and finish so I can turn it in as a class project or if I should do a new modified version...


Friday, November 7, 2014

Geometric beaded design

Hi! Check out my work in progress.

I am working on a new beading sample which I am translating into my designs for my thesis collection. My thesis collection is very geometric. It is based on Islamic art and fragmented glass. This new beading sample that I am working on will be a cool optical accent in my collection.

My first step to creating the sample was to draw out my design on the stretched organza on my frame. Then I started at the outside and beaded out a nice clean frame with bugles.

The second step was to go in and begin the sequin circle in the center. Because the sequin circle is the motif with the most focus, it is important to fill in that area before beading the seed beads. After the sequin circle is complete the seed beads have a way of nestling in around the sequins nicely.  I am excited to see how this turns out! I will be filling in the smaller geometric portions with tiny silver, white, and black seed beads. Stay tuned for updates!