Thursday, October 23, 2014

Scatter Beading Technique

I came across a great diagram to help with scatter beading that I though would be helpful to share. The diagram is from the book "All-In-One Beading Buddy" and helps break down the look of scattered beads in a very logical pattern.

As a perfectionist I have struggled to achieve the perfect spacing in my scattered beading so I decided to give this great method a try.

First, I framed out my area with bugle beads. Then, to ensure that the zigzag stitching pattern would remain proportional on both sides I stitched through the middle with peach colored embroidery floss (not knotting it at the ends).

I stitched my zigzag pattern with white thread and then pulled out the embroidery floss. It will take a little more practice to get the zigzags straighter and more even but overall I am happy with the look of it.


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